Software Reviews by xor_42

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

PFrank PFrank

Powerful metaphor, extreme learning curve 2 stars
More suited for advanced bit diddlers familiar with the arcane, albeit powerful, regex syntax. Very unintuitive GUI with cryptic fields. Help system, though easily invoked, is limited to minimal non-contextual descriptions. Requires diligent research into how program operates to make sense and effective use of it. That, by definition, makes it ineffectual for routine tasks. Price: Free
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Rename Master Rename Master

Good idea, so-so design with irksome glitches 3 stars
Good idea that needs work, better GUI, more stability. Like others, doesn't equal LupasRename's balance of power, clarity, and stability. Features marred by glitches. Rule-based actions powerful but tedious for common tasks. Missing basics like simple button to select/deselect all - requires several keystrokes. Undo limited, couldn't undo last 3 actions in same session. Common action like replace ALL of name, not so obvious, buried in Replace rule. Couldn't find how to change case of extension only - wants to changes whole name. Needs to borrow LR's simple Name/Ext tab idea. Tests of case changes failed saying file exists. Eventually got it to work but reset file creation date to current time. Dates of files should NEVER EVER be changed unless requested. Would stay with old LR if it didn't have timezone date problem with late Windows versions wherein it shows file dates off by 4 hours. So, I'll have to keep looking. Price: Free
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