Software Reviews by HEXJUMPER

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Recuva Recuva

It works true and free 5 stars
By accident I formatted my photo camera sd memory card after I had copied some of the files (but NOT all of them) to my hard disk. D amned! that sucked. I googled for a freeware program that could rescue my files, even when I had formatted the memory card, then RECUVA came up and I downloaded the file and did set up. In less than 6 minutes I had recovered my missing files 100% o.k. I used the ADVANCED modus as step 2 after the normal scan step 1 did not produce anything. Anyway...I am very satisfied of the easy way to recover files on a SD memory card. This program does what it promised and is 100% FREEware. Price: Free
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