Software Reviews by pcphil

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Free M4a to MP3 Converter Free M4a to MP3 Converter

A must have if you have iTunes 5 stars
My 12yo daughter's hard drive crashed big time and we could not retrieve any of her music, which I do not want to think of the all the $.99 songs she lost. She said she could get most of her songs from friends but of course they wont play on her PC or Ipods. She wanted me to copy them to a CD and then bring them back into ITunes. I saw myself doing this for weeks. I thought I'll check Snapfiles and see what was available. I found this program and gave it a try. If it was any easier a 3yo could do it. I copied and put put a bunch (353)of ITune files in a folder and created another folder labled MP3s and launched the program I went to the folder with the add files icon and highlighted all 353 songs and clicked open. Then I said convert to MP3 and it started. I figured it might take a while but it did not maybe 15-20 min as some were albums. I played several and they sounded just fine. Price: Free
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