Software Reviews by TylerW

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Uranium Backup Free Uranium Backup Free

Extremely reliable, lightweight and flexible 5 stars
The first thing I can say of Uranium is that it is very small. After installation it uses less than 5 MB of disk space and requires minimal system resources. When I found Uranium I was bored by other backup programs, hundreds of files installed, several processes in memory... Uranium is fast, is lightweight, and is portable! I can use it simply having the only Uranium.exe file, also from an USB pen. Finally, I think that Uranium is the most flexible backup program available (really a lot of options). After some tests I decided to advise its commercial version to the company where I actually work. They found that Uranium tape backup features are outstanding! After a simple search in the internet, we concluded that Uranium is a mature program, and can be considered as a great and cheaper alternative to Backup Exec for TAPE and NAS backups, especially on Windows 2008 ntbackup is no more available. I advise everybody to try this great software! Price: Free
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