Software Reviews by Kevinmach

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

HDClone Free Edition HDClone Free Edition

Much better cloning software out there 1 stars
This restrictions place on this product were nothing short of ridiculous. It's completely limited. Being able to clone ONLY to larger disks was probably bearable for testing it (and no testing it on partitions either, its the whole disk or nothing), but they also put limitations on the transfer speed (deliberately making it much slower with the free version). Cloning a 150Gig ATA drive was taking an esimated 9 hours! It was easy enough to create the boot disk on CD and get that working, but I was not impressed. There are other versions (also free) that are less restrictive, cheaper (if you decide to buy), and faster. The one I used starts with P (cant mention names on here), it was a fully functioning trial version, and took 10 minutes. My advice to the makers of HDClone 3.2. Try making a trial version that actually demonstrates what the software can do, rather than attempt to frustrate the user. Price: Free
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