Software Reviews by Verbatim

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

NoTrax NoTrax

Too riddled with beta-stage defects. 1 stars
Utilizing a progressively encrypted and wiped memory-based cache, this program promises security and anonymity. By design it should deliver the first, but as subject to a host of innate limitations (making it only fit as a secondary browser). Real anonymity demands at least some kind of robust IP disguise. To achieve problem-free install first required a vb runtime files update (ignore the otherwise LoadLibrary; code31 error at your own risk). When surfing, inevitable system crash was kept only at bay by keeping Images disabled (some sort of memory-overload defect as a result of heavy data transfer when linked to larger sites: as flagged by Heidis encryption is helpful in the event of PC crash?) And apart from inflicting a kernel32.dll invalid page fault, assorted page retrieval, page misloading and access violation errors were constant companions. Price: Free Trial ($24.95)
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