Software Reviews by atari05

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Evil Player Evil Player

Small and out of the way 4 stars
This player has some serious potential IMHO. It stays out of the way, is easy to use after about a 10 minute learning curve. Unlike the other reviewer, the feature IS that is lack features. It PLAYS music and does it well. I would say, since its soo small, it would be a compliment player at home (small foot print makes it great to use while gaming) or a main player for PC's that are under resourced or aging. However it does have a couple things to make that could make it a GREAT main player. 1.) Support for ID and OGG comments. I'm confused on why there is support for a systray notify bubble but no support to have the window show ID3/ogg comment tags. Is it really that much overhead? I mean my small 1 gig cowon mp3 players gives me the choice to display ID or filenames! 2.) Optional Music Library. Very basic, no rating or anythign like that, just something that would make finding music eaiser than just a large playlist. Price: Free
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