The program is very nice and quite comprehensive, but it is also Dangerous, it can clean things that would deem XP, and more so, Vista None-Functional.
Before you use it the first time, go all over the settings (Do not count on the default settings). If you are not totally sure about an item, uncheck it.
If the author would provide a more comprehensive description when pointing to an entry it might Help to make it more secure.
The Interface is Nicely done Visually, but confusing content wise, there is No go back in most sub menus, and you have to click Home and maneuver back to the previous point that you were at.
However it is Free and worthwhile to endure the learning curve.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Feb 25, 2007 for v2.2.2