Best searcher I ever clicked. Like, wow. Note that you have to leave your puter on all night while it indexes all your files, or those file types it lets you select. (After that, it indexes while you work.) Then fire it up and type a word at the blinking cursor. Fast as you can type, it rolls a list of every file with that word in its filename, OR in its text. Type a subject you like and it shows you what you've written, or even saved from the internet with that word (or series of words). If you want to know how many times you or someone has misspelled "recieved," just type it in and watch the booboos roll down. A results pane flashes the content, whether it's words or a picture or just program code. Very customizable. I love the way it flashes a photo, an autocad drawing, a database, a text or .doc file, you name it. Utterly cool.
Price: Free Trial ($49.95)
review details
- Interface
- Features
- Ease of use
- Value
- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Dec 03, 2006 for v5.6 Build 3377