Software Reviews by domusfelium

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Advanced SystemCare Free Advanced SystemCare Free

Top marks for this product! 5 stars
Found this to be exceptionally easy to use with a clean interface, easy to understand even for the most *tech* challenged out there. Prior to using this product, I used 3 other anti-spyware products to scan my system for problems...cleaned the supposed problems, yet when using this product, found TONS more! My computer certainly ran much faster after doing that and using the extremely helpful tools in it, which most other programs (except the most expensive) don't offer. I especially liked the fact that you could create a restore point easily and with no hassle. Really helpful over other programs that just offer to create a backup which you can't access if something the program did crashed your comp! With a restore point you can easily undo any mistakes. This program is definitely a keeper! Price: Free
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