Software Reviews by ChrisW

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HDClone Free Edition HDClone Free Edition

Absolutely excellent 5 stars
Let me say that I bought a second internal HD for my IBM T40 laptop 2 years ago and have been attempting to clone my current drive to it ever since. My goal is to preserve the man-weeks it takes to install all my software. FYI, both source and dest. drives were 80GB Hitachis. The dest. drive is a little larger. Well, Norton Ghost failed after encountering bad sectors. I couldn't understand why it would not simply skip them. Also, Western Digital's HD cloning utility failed. Finally, the EZ-Gig software that came from IBM when I bought the extra HD didn't work either. The cloned disk would not boot (I would only get the infamous blinking white cursor) Then I found this little gem the other day. Set it to run while I slept, next morn, the cute little interface said it "completed with errors" The errors were the bad sectors, which it skipped. The cloned disk was bootable! Yahooo! And get this, its free! Price: Free
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