If you know precisely what you want FreshUI to do, and you very regularly save System Restore points, and you are careful to implement one setting at a time, and you understand which settings will irrevocably alter your computer (i.e. security lockouts, etc.), and you keep a lucky rabbit's foot nearby, this is the most well-designed, most effective, most truly dynamic and useful tweak tool available. The interface is pristine, ToolTip support is plentiful, and everything is more or less reversible. Registering is painless and emails are few. Best used in conjunction with TweakUI. Oh, and if you make one little mistake or misunderstand a setting, your computer and its user interface are doomed. So if you are brave and cautious, the sky's the limit.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface
- Features
- Ease of use
- Value
- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jul 01, 2006 for v7.61