Software Reviews by RegisteredUser

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SpamBayes SpamBayes

Bye bye mcafee and symantec...hello spambaye! 5 stars
We use Exchange in conjunction with enterprise level Antispam. I've tried numerous ways and the spam box numbers are still increasing exponentially making human intervention tedious. As well, false positives were getting too high. I've test run SpamBaye on the Spam box with a dedicated PC--solely just for Spam box. I've used our huge load of spams in the archive, about 1,000,000 worth of spams and 2,000,000 worth of good ones for training--which I knew would come in handy some day at a cost of our HD space on our raids. Trained it and let it run for well over 3 months now. Absolutely loved it. Makes my work as IT admin a WHOLE lot easier in sorting out false positives from the spams. Now if only SpamBaye would be available for Exchange Server 2003. For now, the only downside is it operates at a client level. Price: Free
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