As someone who have spent more then my fair share (9 years and counting) inside ERWin, ER Studio and Powerdesigner (costing up to 2,500 GBP without repository/modelmart), I believe I can judge this little beauty more then fairly.
Yes, it is in fact quite amazing in its simplicity, and if one works with larger mySql models, its truly a great boon (open sourced, runs on linux etc, etc).
It does however have some (for me) serious shortcomings, all which could have "easily" been addressed, when working with databases other then MySQL (datatypes comes to mind. fixable, but a hassle to do so manually). domain modelling made way to difficult (some ppl like it, others dont care. guess the designers of dbd belongs to the latter). Also fixable i believe.
visually, it is stunning. really. considering the xml storage model, I believe it would be quite "simple" to build a highly functional model repository too. In short, I see a huge potential in this software.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Mar 07, 2006 for v4.0.5.6