Software Reviews by Tea4Two

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

CQPhone CQPhone

Simply superb !!! 5 stars
I am a new user of CQPhone. I found voice quality to be very good while video is acceptable. At present, most users seem to be from Middle East, as nearly 8 out of 10 persons I met in chat rooms were from this area. Its Chat Rooms are usually not crowded (at times nearly empty). Although this does not affect individual users, it does reveal that majority of Internet users are pitifully unaware of this excellent yet free program. The software has two problems though, as I found out through experimenting (from China) with another friend from Canada. While the other side could be contacted almost instantly by dialing the CQPhone number, the same person was inexplicably hard to reach at that same time through chat room. Secondly, I did not find any way to respond to the incoming calls while myself making outgoing calls. Hopefully this would be addressed in later versions. Technical support is excellent. My query mail was answered within two hours. Overall a very nice and useful utility. Price: Free
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