Software Reviews by Randolph

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RegSeeker RegSeeker

The best and sanist way to clean the regestry ... 4 stars
The best and sanest way to clean the registry IMO is with an app like regseaker. I say this because it does nothing automatically. It finds entries that appear to be funky and you must decide what to delete (as you should). It will display what it finds color coded in either red or green text. Green being the safest for deletion and red being one for caution. Red entries are usually unused entries or invalid ActiveX. I leave the unused entries, as who knows if they will be needed later, the ActiveX ones I delete liberally. Green entries I delete if they are paths to non existing files or entries from uninstalled programs (which is all you should use a registry editor for anyway). Regseaker also has an exclusion list so undeleted entries are not displayed on the next scan. Anyway it is the registry back it up each time you house clean and treat it with care, I just can not imagine letting any registry cleaner to it's own devices. But that is up to each user I guess. Price: Free
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