Software Reviews by albedo

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Z-Anaglyph Z-Anaglyph

A toy for rookies 2 stars
It's hardly possible to create a simpler program for anaglyph image creation than this one. I was really interested to test it, but you can only import two images, hit two buttons to generate the anaglyph picture and thats it. I was disappointed! This program is virtually optionless. It is made only for users who don't have any understanding of anaglyph image creation at all. I'm not allowed to tell you any links to other programs but use google and you immediately will find far better freeware programs for this purpose. This program is only useful if the photos or images you use are perfectly prepared what is hardly the case in most situations. No position correction, no color correction, no ... Z-Anaglyph lacks almost all options I would like to see. Although it costs nothing I rate the Price/Value as poor because it costs the time to experience that the program is of no use at all unless you are a real rookie. Price: Free
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