Software Reviews by ElGonzi

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

Avira Free Antivirus Avira Free Antivirus

Excellent free product! 5 stars
First of all: thank you for this wonderful piece of software! In the past I've been using Norton and lately eSCAN which is an EXCELLENT product too (but it's not free and now is very expensive). But AntiVir is now my choice as it doesn't slows down my system and it's detection rate is excellent too. Have tried AVG in the past and I agree with the people who says that it is unable to clean Trojans and the annoying pop up windows keeps on appearing in the middle of your screen. The interface is clean and free of fancy stupid little icons and colors that only clogs your system. The only thing I could complain is the ssslooowwww update process. At midday is almost imposible to update the software as the servers are too busy, that's why I prefer to to it very early at morning or at night. I cannot see the point of some people complaining that AntiVir doesn't scan email... AntiVir WILL DENY ACCESS to any infected file it can catch be it an attachment or not! Price: Free
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