..Loved this browser as I am looking to create an XP look-alike system as I am currently running a Windows Millennium. I'm getting VERY bored with the standard black-and-white look with this old Windows style, call me sad, but I've been hunting high and low for a browser that mimicked XP's style from what I've seen so far..and it looks as though I've found it at last. Funny, it's got the same name as my pet dog. I've found the tabs SLIGHTLY annoying, as when they open the browser doesn't automatically take to the next page you've selected, you have to do that yourself, but otherwise, nice colouring, very easy to use once you get the hang of the menus..and not too many buttons to get used to or ones you're not gonna use, that you cant remove that confuse you. That's what I've found with Advanced browser.
Price: Free
review details
- Interface
- Features
- Ease of use
- Value
- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Aug 04, 2005 for v1.3.3