Software Reviews by arkitekt

The reviews and opinions below are posted by SnapFiles visitors. They do not necessarily reflect our opinion, and they are solely based upon the experience of individual users.

BitKinex BitKinex

Messenger-like interface is brilliant 4 stars
An FTP client with an innovative messenger-like interface, including easily customizable default local folder for each site or as the program calls it "data source" - these two features alone are worth giving Bitkinex a fair shot. 2.4 has provided a variety of quality updates, making this a great everyday use client for webmasters and those logging into many different sites on an ongoing basis. I use Bitkinex daily, and although the basic ftp features are similar to the rest of the offerings in this category, what sets it far apart in my mind is the ability to open multiple data sources, perform fxp transfers(server to server transfers) and the intuitive messenger style site manager interface that is familiar to any MSN, Yahoo, or AOL messenger user. One small setback, that causes me to open Filezilla from time to time is that the CHMOD only supports single file editing (hopefully we'll see this resolved in the new version). Price: Free
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