After trying many other editors....... by skyborn
Jun 30, 2008
DHTML editor outstrips anything on the market.
Davide has done his homework and made a program that even I can work without a major learning curve! Highly recommended
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There are millions of HTML editors and I've tried quite a few...
The one I use is Dynamic HTML Editor.
Thanks Davide!
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Dec 03, 2007 for v3.3
In my opinion, the best by robillo
Feb 06, 2007
Very, very easy to learn using the examples.
I do not know HTML language but, with Dynamic HTML Editor, I have created the official site of my amateur soccer team and I can manage it easily.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Feb 06, 2007 for v3.3
Dynamic html editor does what it claims to do by SteveGooda
Dec 11, 2006
Dynamic HTML Editor is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an inexpensive but powerful HTML Editor. And its getting better!
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Dec 11, 2006 for v3.2
One of the best if not the best by JohnTarin
Jul 27, 2006
This has got to make web authoring one of the easiest and most fun-filled ways to tackle such a daunting project as a web page even if you don't know a line of HTML.If you are already experienced it makes for a very powerful tool.
I would highly recommend this application to anyone working or thinking of working on a project.
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Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Jul 27, 2006 for v3.1
Powerful yet simple by DavidT
Mar 20, 2006
DHE Editor is easy to use, truly WYSIWYG, cross-browser compatible and creates standard compliant code. Can you ask for more ?
Thanks to DHE Editor, I can now concentrate on the content and design of my web site, rather than the intricacies of web syntax.
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