The filters available on it are wholly inadequate. All you can filter for are from-address, word in body, and the mysterious "received with." There is no auto-delete function, but only: Answer, Move, Mark as Read.
Even with the language set to English, some things are still in German (what does Abbrechen mean? Schliessen?), and misspelled English (Shurtcut, Startmenu, Default-Mailclient). The tips suggest you press Strg-Del key. What is the Strg key? Ctrl? Alt? Shift?
There is no way to enter the program without entering a password for one of your accounts.
Koma-Mail could turn out to be useful, and the interface is pretty clean, but it's in toddler stage. I'd go with PortableThunderbird or something else, if you use Koma-Mail because it fits on a memory stick.
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? No
- Posted Nov 19, 2005 for v3.42