Well it is a good one.. since it seems to me this is a Maxthon clone ;)
it has almost same features, very similar ui (even dialogs and menu order look very familiar) and pretty much same functionality.
Even versions are close (acoo= 1.56, maxthon=1.59)
however, it introduces new stuff, like the page analyzer, which has tools for web developers or power users.
There are not many plugins though, but add killer works great.
I do recommend it since it could grow richer in tools and plugins.
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Feb 01, 2007 for v1.56
Excellent by angel_craft
Jan 03, 2006
Avant and Maxthon should watch out for this one.
Very attractive user interface, packed with features. I am getting hooked to this browser even though Maxthon is my default browser. Sometimes I launch Acoo and sometimes Maxthon. It's got almost all the features other browsers have and I am sure it will exceed them. Features are being added every time. For example Super Drag and Drop was implemented, "Add URL Here" on top of each Favorites was recently added and "Open All URLs", ad-blocker is effective. The author is friendly and reported bugs get fixed!! The way the tab bar look is very professional and stylish. Keep up the good work. 5 out of 5.
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There are several Internet Explorer freeware clones available and their standard feature is that they offer tabbed browsing. In terms of its features Acoo is only fair and other freeware clones ... offer more features for the power user.
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Sluggish-No skins-acts really funky plus add a registry entry for InstantGet(a shareware download manager) and if you remove that then uninstall acoo it puts it back in-Hkey current user/software/InstantGet... why I do not know -just say no to Achoo I mean Acoo Browser. Makes me wheeze!!
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