Cannot rate this superb Program highly enough, it is very similar to the awesome SIW, and has an extremely user-friendly GUI.
But where with SIW you cannot copy/export/print information without having the pay version, WinAudit lets you do all that stuff in their free version, making it an indispensable Program to have for providing information to Geeks on Tech websites when trying to track down the cause of a problem on your computer.
Of course, also, a fully comprehensive, in-depth System Analyzer like WinAudit provides you with massive amounts of finely detailed information about everything concerning your computer components, software, etc, that you will need to know about when planning to buy replacement parts.
Thank you Parmavex Services for making this superb Program available to us for free.
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted May 04, 2014 for v2.29