Works great but wondering about saving .rts by fdariano
Jul 05, 2006
I think this is a great tool - much better than the Microsoft remote Desktops Tool. However, I was wondering if there is a problem with editing a saved .rts file. When I try and edit the "Connection Name" I can't successfully re-save the information.
Review details
I tried Royal TS before and it worked great (though I didn't have enough servers to make it practical). However, now that I have a true need for it, I can't get it to load with .Net 2.0 (the only version that I could find available for download). BUMMER! Can we get an update that will use .Net 2.0?
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? Yes
Posted Apr 13, 2006 for v1.3.1
The software developer responded to this review on Apr 21, 2006:
Currently there are some limitations using Royal TS on Framework 2.0. I am currently investigating the issues but I m afraid it s caused by 3rd party components I use which are not available anymore.
But it s no problem to install Framework 1.1 beside Framework 2.0 to get it work. The individual Framework versions don t influence each other.
Much better than microsoft`s ts client by Techzilla
Aug 02, 2005
(Read all my 3 reviews)
I connect to terminal servers at a dozen or so clients and this lets me manage all of these connections. I have folders for each client and then put all of their servers in the appropriate folder. It allows connections to multiple servers at once and stores credentials which is very handy. One thing that would make it even better would be adding VNC functionality to it so you could store both RDP and VNC connections. Even without VNC it's still indispensable to me. Excellent program!
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