It was hard to use I can get anything done. It did not look like there was much you could do with it.There is another program out by this name and it is pretty good as I have used but thins one's not very good.
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Extremely difficult to use and very stupid as well. Poorly designed and as far as the documentation in on how to use the program don't describe how to use the program very well. Just a poorly made program. It might however have potential in the future if the author of the programs re does some of the features and docs to where there more (friendly usable, and understanding).
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This was retarded, I couldnt figure out anything all i could do was change where they walked to (which they didnt go where i wanted) AND to change what they said (that was sot of funny). Extremely hard to use.
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Ease of use
Recommend to a friend? No
Posted Jul 05, 2006 for v2.0
About tales animator by amadoukeita
Apr 24, 2006
Excellent freeware ! Just with a few lines of sentences and you can generate complex cartoons movements such as walking, talking, superposition of objects with transparency possibility. Easy to incorporate a speech or sound (.wav) and synchronize with the actors' actions. It is even possible to incorporate a video in the screen where the actors are moving.
I guess that with the next version, the problem of white rectangular background when inserting a bmp file will be solved. Hope also that more movement and actors will be available.
Looking forward to seeing the next version !
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Funny program! I'm sure I didn't get it all in one download as I had to go to the authors site for patches etc. Fun to fool around with,user interface is poor(instructions, help files are more like novels in separate files that you have to download) It's fun to change the character's around (what they say and do) but to hard to change from anything BUT the samples, even introducing characters from the library is impossible.Nice Clip Art though.
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