I found this piece of software when I started using ubuntu (Linux), because it is bundled with it. I was surprised with what I found. This is one of the best photo editing tools that I have ever used. True, the learning curve is a little steep, but it is well worth learning it. Come on, learning new things does not kill anyone. The interface is a little awkward, but you will get used to it very soon. It always does what I want it to do. There are many tutorial sites out there and they are free. That is the beauty of open source computing. There are many plugins for gimp, which increases your productivity. If you download this, dont let go, because it is the best of its kind, better than Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc. Worth using and learning. I recommend this to all the people who edits photos.
Review details
- Interface

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- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Mar 26, 2009 for v2.6.6
I have read some users' replies in forums and sites etc. on Gimp and think there may be a misunderstanding, Gimp is not Xnview, or anything like, it's not supposed to be like them, see, those like Xnview are simple editors, Gimp is a FULL Blown editor and creator and while can be used for simple things, is too powerful to rate with simple editors. It's excellent for what it does. The steep learning curve is ONLY how deep you get into using it of course but it's fairly UNLIMITED when you do get to know it. Once again, if it's too powerful for some users,simple editors will do but if you want an all out application, Gimp will do just about anything. I have personally created numerous beginner tuts and when people understood, they were more than happy with Gimp. For what it does, it's hard to believe it's FREE!
Review details
- Interface

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- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Sep 06, 2008 for v2.4.7
Ya know, there are like 800,000 free image editors. Most image viewers have image editing features, like cropping, rotation, sharpness, gamma, etc. The GIMP blows all those out of the water. Layers, transparency, dodge / burn, clone tool, customizable brushes, select-by-color -- the price of this program severely belies its functionality. Use IrfanView or cPicture for minor modifications like brightening, cropping, etc. However, if you are interested in "photochopping," the GIMP has just about all of the functionality of Adobe Photoshop. Don't get discouraged by the learning curve. After all, like Photoshop, I bet most people who use the GIMP regularly only use around 25% of its features.
Review details
- Interface

- Features

- Ease of use

- Value

- Recommend to a friend? Yes
- Posted Jun 10, 2006 for v2.2.11
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