Miliki Super Compressor PRO

Miliki Super Compressor PRO

4 stars

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amazing image compression Miliki Super Compressor Pro compresses documents and images at an amazing rate that results in files that are up to 10 times smaller than zip files. If you have ever sent pictures by email and tried to compress them, using Zip, Rar or any other conventional method, you probably noticed that the result does not reduce the overall file size by much, if any. With Miliki however you can compress a 650kb digital photo down to 70kb without any visual loss in quality. Please note though that the compressed version, even at 100% quality doe not look 100% identical to the original; the differences however are barely noticable to the naked eye and only if compared side-by-side. When compressing JPG images, you can set the quality settings to achieve even smaller file sizes. The receiver will need to have a special decoder software installed to open extract and save the compressed files; the Decoder is freely available and you can automatically include a download link in the email message when sending it via Miliki. The program integrates into the Windows Explorer right-click menu and allows you to easily compress (and email) files with a single click. In addition to JPG images, Miliki Super Compressor PRO also works with Word documents, PDF files and several other file types. If you frequently send pictures by email or need to reduce storage space for pictures or documents, then this is a must-have utility. Copyright

Trial Limitations: 30 day trial. Some features disabled.

Miliki Super Compressor PRO is currently not available.

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