Image Comparer

Image Comparer

4 stars

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Win (All)

find duplicate images Image Comparer allows you to scan selected folders or drives and find duplicate images, or images that are very similar. The program can find all similar images even if they are in different formats (e.g JPG and TIFF versions of an image). It presents you with a list of the files found, as well as a side-by-side comparison, and you can decide to copy, move, or delete one of the copies. In addition, the program can also automatically mark the image that appears to have a higher quality, making it easier for you to decide which one to get rid of (if any). Image Comparer supports JPEG, J2K, BMP, GIF, PCX, PNG, TIFF, TGA, ICO and CUR formats. Copyright

Trial Limitations: limited batch file operations for the located similar images

Image Comparer is currently not available.

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