capture and display HTTP traffic HttpSpy is a HTTP monitoring utility that captures and displays HTTP (browser) network traffic on a system in real-time. It supports all HTTP traffic, including HTTPS, HTTP 1.1, Keep-Alives and Chunking. The program installs as a proxy server and automatically configures IE to temporarily route requests through the HTTPSpy proxy (while it is running), from where you can monitor and optionally filter every request. You can set filters to exclude, include or highlight items that match a specified regular expression. The captured output can be saved to a file for off-line viewing and also searched, using various criteria. In addition, the program includes a Modem Simulator tool that allows you to slow down the downloading of web pages, in order to simulate the use of a slow modem (useful for web page testing). HttpSpy is mostly intended for developers as a debugging or testing tool. It does not include documentation and requires knowledge of regular expressions to take full advantage of it. Copyright
HttpSpy is currently not available.
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