Emsisoft HiJackFree

Emsisoft HiJackFree

4 stars

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4 (3)

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4 4


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system analysis tool for advanced users Emsisoft HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool that can help advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers, Malware, Spyware, Adware, Trojans and Worms. The program provides a detailed overview of all auto-start items, including those that are usually not shown in standard startup managers.Furthermore, it also shows a list of Explorer add-ons, open ports (and programs that use them), HOSTS file entries, and running processes. HiJackFree is intended to be used by advanced users only - disabling or removing the wrong components may cause system instability or worse. Copyright Snapfiles.com

Product Details

Publisher Emsisoft GmbH (5) Price Free
Version  history Last updated Aug 06, 2012
File Size 1.99 Mb Requirements None

User Reviews

5 stars33% 1
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3 stars66% 2
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Latest user reviews:

Is ok, I guess 3 stars by gimpguy Oct 03, 2011 (Read all my 1159 reviews)
First off, there are a lot of options to view what's going on, the issue is, (at least in my case) I could not for the life of me, adjust the tabs to view what the heck is in the list except in the processes window. A lot of good it does to see the first entry in any of the scan windows when you can't adjust the rest, as with the ports window, it would show the first column which was nearly to the edge of the window (even in full view)and I could not adjust the sliders on the columns to view the rest, losing sight of information. They would simply spring back to the right when I'd slide them to the left. This occurred for (again) all but the processes window. Also, the registry window would keep popping up when I'd click on other options. It did quit IMHO. Aside from that, it seemed to run good, decent times for bringing up the information, easy interface. Not being able to view all information is a big hit when it comes to a security software, generous giving it a 3. If it were an antivirus that only showed partial information leaving you guessing where the infection was, it would not rate too well, same goes for this. show Review details
Great tool! 5 stars by busybusy May 14, 2006 (Read all my 263 reviews)
Works Great and a very nice interface! Get it! show Review details
Um.. missing something? 3 stars by Ghost_grey Feb 04, 2006 (Read all my 56 reviews)
I dont know If I downloaded the wrong version but the registry startups, have checkboxes/ context menu to disable/delete/add the entries, but further on down, it has no further options to disable startups and doesnt even offer a context menu, and most options are grayed out (disabled) such as (delete/edit reg/stop service/ etc) if those dont even work why have them in their in the first place? this does offer comprehensive start up manifest which is impressive but if the only way is to locate it with a2 and manually add a parameter to the reg file, then is differently not for users who arent into editing the registry.. autoruns is a a lot more easier to use, and more powerful as of features, but it doesn't have port watch/ who needs it when another piece of software from the same authors that did autoruns is available (free), starter, and winpatrol work too. a2 is alright but where did all the obvious, or what should be features go? show Review details
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