Long Term Cash Flow Projections Financial Fate enables you to predict your financial future based on a detailed analysis of your family finances. In order to make an accurate prediction, the program requires in-depth information about all your current and future financial affairs and requires you to invest some time (an hour or more) to properly input the information based on your tax returns, pay stubs, social security statement and other data. Once you have entered all the required data, Financial Fate generates detailed reports such as investment plans, balance sheets, tax plans, and cash flow projections with year-by-year and line-item-detail visibility. The program applies a variety of default assumptions to properly adjust the predictions based on health-care expenses, Medicare, tax implications, planned changes family sizes, etc. These automatic adjustments have a significant impact on future cash flows and are fully-disclosed in the Financial Fate reports - they can also be changed by the user, if desired. Financial Fate is designed for use with U.S financial information. The program was initially offered as a commercial product but is now available for free. Copyright Snapfiles.com
Financial Fate is currently not available.
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