These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
WebSite-Watcher allows you to quickly check an unlimited number of websites for updates and changes. The sites can be checked by file date or file content, and you can use several filters, such as to ignore changing ban...
Category: Misc. Internet Tools
PicaLoader is a multi-threaded picture downloader that allows you to download large numbers of images from the web. It offers an advanced HTML analysis engine, that enables you to automatically download all kinds of pic...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
Yahoo Group Downloader is a program to download pictures and files from the Yahoo Groups and Files sections. You can specify the group name and the message number and start downloading. The program can automatically ret...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
Color Scheme Designer is an easy to use and effective utility to design color schemes for use in web sites. It displays colors on a color wheel and and offers 4 modes of harmonies. The program feat...
Category: Developer Tools
Getleft is a web site downloader, that downloads complete web sites according to the settings provided by the user. The program automatically changes all the absolute links to relative ones, so you...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
SeqDownload is a tool to automatically download the same (image) file over and over. It is useful for images that are changing frequently, for example weather radars, statistical displays etc. The ...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
A Great Grabber is a file downloader, that can scan web addresses and download all files that match your criteria. It includes an integrated image viewer, audio player and video viewer to view the downloaded content. ...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
Local Website Archive allows you to quickly save and archive a complete (single) web page with all images for later reference. You can organize your archived pages into categories and use the built-in browser display to...
Category: Browser Tools
Antenna - Web Design Studio is a visual web site creator, that allows you to create modern, style driven web sites without the need for any HTML knowledge. It offers a WYSIWYG interface that supports layering of objects...
Category: HTML and Code Editors
Website Ripper Copier is a multi-threaded website downloader, that allows you to download entire websites for offline browsing, extract specific file types, or create a an exact mirror of the site....
Category: Web Site Downloaders