These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
TickVue is a simple stock tracking tool that periodically queries Yahoo Finance and updates your list of stock with the most recent quotes. The program offers basic features, suitable for casual stock tracking. It can a...
Category: Personal Finance
ShellMenuView allows you to disable unwanted Windows Explorer shell menu items that are shown in the right-click options for folders and files. The program produces a list of all available items that you can sort by men...
Category: Advanced System Tools
MACAddressView enables you to look up the company name, address and country that is registered to the MAC address of a product (e.g. routers, computers and other network devices). You can also look up MAC address ranges...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
DevManView is an advanced alternative to the standard Windows Device Manager. It displays all device entries in a flat table view instead of a tree view and allows you to sort devices by manufacturer, status, device typ...
Category: Misc. Utilities
BluetoothView enables you to view all devices that are within range of your Bluetooth adapter. You can view detailed device properties, including the device type, connection status, connection count, MAC address and mor...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
DriveLetterView allows you to view a list of all drive letters that are assigned on your computer. Unlike the standard Windows 'Computer' view, DriveLetterView also shows the drive letter assignments for drive...
Category: Disk Tools
WebBrowserPassView is a password recovery tool that enables you to view all website logins and passwords that are stored in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi and Google Chrome browsers. We...
Category: Password Recovery
DomainHostingView performs a series of DNS and WHOIS queries for a given domain name and presents the information as an easily readable HTML report. The report contains summary information that sta...
Category: Network Information
CSVFileView is a simple, standalone program that lets you open and view Tab or Comma delimited text files (.csv,.txt) without the need for any Office program. You can view all lines, sort the them by column data, option...
Category: Word Processing
USBLogView is a small utility that runs in the system tray and automatically keeps track of all USB devices as they are connected or disconnected on your computer. For each action it logs the time,...
Category: System Monitoring