These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Toolwiz Care is a collection of system utilities and optimization tools designed to clean, check, optimize and tweak your computer. The program offers a well designed interface that organizes the more than 40 tools into...
Category: All-In-One Tools
Puran Utilities is a collection of 20 system utilities that you can use to keep your system clean, optimized and error free. It includes basic tools for finding duplicate files, deleting empty folders, fixing broken sho...
Category: All-In-One Tools
Wise Care 365 (Free Version) is an all-in-one system utility that checks your computer for common junk files, invalid registry entries and potential performance tweaks. After the initial scan, your computer is assigned ...
Category: All-In-One Tools
PDF Explorer is a PDF file management software and image extraction
tool. It allows you to easily gather and add all your pdf files to a
database file, that displays an overview of Filename, Title, Subject and Author....
Category: PDF Tools
X-Fonter is an easy-to-use tool to view all installed fonts and also preview fonts that have not yet been installed. You can test them with different color combinations, styles and sizes. The progr...
Category: Font Tools
Binary Boy searches Usenet newsgroups for pictures, sounds, programs and other file attachments matching your search criteria, then decodes and assembles the files automatically. Binary Boy can discard thousands of unwa...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Active NTFS Reader for DOS provides read access to NTFS drives from the MS DOS environment. It supports long filenames as well as compressed and fragmented files. NTFS Reader for DOS allows you to ...
Category: Undelete and Data Recovery
FeedDemon is a RSS client that can retrieve and organize RSS feeds from the internet. It comes pre-configured dozens of newsfeeds, and you can easily add your own, by adding the URL for an RSS feed of your choice. FeedD...
Category: RSS Feed Readers
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
NirExt adds three advanced context menu options to Windows Explorer, that are mostly of interest to power users. The "Advanced Run" option allows you to quickly run any program with additional comm...
Category: Misc. Utilities
Tiff2PDF Pilot is a simple batch conversion utility that converts TIFF files (including multi-page images) to PDF. It allows you to set security settings for the generated PDF files as well as document information and p...
Category: PDF Tools