These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
CleanDisk is a junk file remover that can automate the task of removing unwanted files from your computer. The program can find and remove browser tracks from IE, Firefox, Opera and Chrome (including cookies, history et...
Category: System Cleaning
EraseTemp is a utility that automatically deletes old temporary files from your computer. Unlike most other tools that by default delete all the temp files, this one only deletes the ones that are at least a day old (av...
Category: System Cleaning
SuperCleaner is an all in one disk cleaner for your computer. It features a variety of cleaning methods, in order to gain back your valuable hard disk space. It s garbage file scanner is able to locate unlimited megabyt...
Category: System Cleaning
Disk Cleaner allows you to easily clean up disk space that is used by temporary files like those in the system temporary folder, the Internet Explorer Cache and Cookies folder, Recycle Bin and various other areas of you...
Category: System Cleaning
Media Detective is a software tool for finding and removing pornographic media from your PC. It scans media files on the computer, such as pictures and movies, to check whether they contain adult content. ...
Category: System Cleaning
Wise Disk Cleaner helps you clean up your hard drive by finding and removing common junk files that accumulate over time. The program comes pre-configured with about 50 types of file extension that...
Category: System Cleaning
AVG PC TuneUP (formerly TuneUp Utilities) optimizes the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. It combines important aspects of system configuration, s...
Category: All-In-One Tools
CleanMem is a memory (RAM) cleaner that improves Windows memory management by releasing memory that is no longer being used by any processes. Unlike some other tools, CleanMem will never release memory that is still bei...
Category: System Tweaking
Faber Toys is a system utility, mainly developed for power users who want to know what s going on in their Personal Computer. The program may also be used by programmers as a tool for tracking thei...
Category: Advanced System Tools
Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the func...
Category: Advanced System Tools