These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Recent File Scan lets you quickly search your hard drive for recently changed files, allowing you to find files you may have misplaced or renamed incorrectly.
The default settings will search for ...
Category: File Management
File Association Fixer Tool is a simple program that can restore some common file associations to their defaults in case they have been changed by user error, malware or other mishaps.
The main in...
Category: Misc. Utilities
HEIC File Converter makes it easy to convert .HEIC files (Apple Image format) to standard JPG, PNG or PDF format.
The program offers a drag and drop interface and supports batch processing, allowi...
Category: Image Processing
SearchMyFiles is an alternative to the standard Windows file search tool. It offers more detailed search criteria that allow you to find files by wildcard, last modified/created/accessed time, file attributes, file cont...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
FolderMatch is an easy to use file and directory management utility that compares two folder trees or two files and allows for their synchronization. Folders may exist on floppy, hard, cd-rom, zip ...
Category: File Synchronization
FileZilla is powerful Open Source FTP/SFTP client with many features. It includes a site manager to store all your connection details and logins as well as an Explorer style interface that shows the local and remote fol...
Category: FTP Programs
TreeComp is an interactive utility that you can use to compare 2 directory trees and optionally synchronize the files within the directories. After scanning the selected directories, the tree view shows the differences....
Category: File Synchronization
SmartSync Pro is a tool to backup and synchronize your important data to the same drive, different drive, removable drive, network volume or even a remote computer. It offers a step-by-step wizard that helps you settin...
Category: File Synchronization
Help & Manual is a stand-alone help authoring tool with an integrated WYSIWYG editor. It allows you to create all types of standard help files including HTML HELP Winhelp (.hlp), Browser based help, PDF user manuals...
Category: Developer Tools
GeniusConnect makes it possible to synchronize Outlook data with any relational database that supports ODBC (MS Access, MySQL, SQL Server etc.). MS Outlook stores data (Calendar,Tasks,Mail,Journal,Notes) on the local ...
Category: Outlook Add-ons