These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
ActiveWhois is WHOIS tool that allows you to retrieve domain specific information and displays it in an organized overview, that includes DNS information, IP address and connection speed as well as all the standard doma...
Category: Network Information
Index.dat Suite allows you to find, inspect and delete all index.dat files on your computer. The index.dat files are used by Internet Explorer to store references to previously visited web sites and cookies. ...
Category: Internet Tracks Cleanup
Brava Reader enables you to open content protected .CSF files. In addition, you can also view or print TIFF and PDF files. It includes a magnifier lens, monochrome viewer, and on-screen measuring options.
Category: Image Viewers
BreezeBrowser is an image browser and processing tool for photographers. It supports viewing and conversion of RAW images from Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta and Olympus digital cameras as well as all other popular image...
Category: Image Viewers
FastStone Image Viewer is an image browser, viewer converter and editor with an easy to use interface and a nice array of features, that include resizing, renaming, cropping, color adjustments, watermarks and more....
Category: Image Viewers
cPicture is a software to view and work with your digital photos. It offers support for thumbnail browsing, EXIF display, histogram view, as well as various features to resize, rotate, crop and more. You can also remove...
Category: Image Viewers
Copernic Desktop Search allows you to instantly find files, emails, images, multimedia and more, that are located on your PC (not the Internet). The program creates an initial index of your hard dr...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
Acoo Browser is multi-tabbed browser interface for Internet Explorer, that also supports customizable ad filtering and popup blocking, URL aliases and more. In addition, it allows you to create groups of Favorites that...
Category: Browser Tools
Browse3D is an IE based browser interface that offers 3D style page navigation, that enables you to display up to 4 web page snapshots at the same time. The snaphots are not live, but clicking on one will bring the actu...
Category: Browser Tools
EXIF Browser is an image browser with support for EXIF data display. It can present your images in a slideshow, and optionally display the basic EXIF details along the side, or you can use the detailed properties to vie...
Category: Misc. Imaging Tools