These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Aleo 3D Flash Slideshow Creator enables you to create 3D-style Flash photo slideshows that can be published on the web. The program can generate the complete HTML code to insert into your document along with all the req...
Category: Flash Design Tools
FlippingBook Publisher enables you to create great looking Flash flip books with page turning effects from your PDF files. You can simply import the PDF files, configure the looks and feel of the flip book, set user opt...
Category: Flash Design Tools
SWFProtection is a Flash SWF encryption tool that helps you protect SWF files from being decompiled. It protects not only ActionScripts, but also all images, sounds, buttons and sprites resources in your SWF files. The ...
Category: Flash Design Tools
Flash Banner Wizard (formerly MTool Banner Maker) enables you to create simple Flash banners made from text, images and other Flash animations. You can design the banner in a few steps by specifying the size and backgro...
Category: Flash Design Tools
Flip PDF enables you to create Flash based flip books with page turning effects from your PDF files. The flip books are ready to be uploaded to your site for online publishing (using Flash), or you can export them to a ...
Category: Flash Design Tools
Agent Ransack is a very powerful and easy to use tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. You can search for file names or text in files with support for Regular expressions....
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Effective File Search (EFS) is a powerful, yet easy to use search tool, that allows you to search for files on your computer or local network. The program looks very similar to the standard Windows search dialog, but of...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
LAN Search PRO is a powerful utility for fast file searching across your LAN. You can search for specific file names or for files of a certain kind (e.g. all MP3 files). It provides a fast search engine and includes the...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
Instant File Name Search (IFNS) is an easy to use search tool that allows you to find files on your computer instantly. After an initial scan, it maintains an index of all the files on your computer or LAN and and allo...
Category: Desktop Search Tools
FileLocator Pro allows you to search your hard drive for information and offers convenient preview features to help you quickly locate the appropriate file without actually having to open it. The p...
Category: Desktop Search Tools