These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
ManyCam is a virtual webcam driver that enables you to use your your webcam with multiple programs simultaneously. You can also add special effects to your video stream, or replace your webcam video with a still image, ...
Category: Web Cam Tools
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
Fences enables you to organize your desktop by setting visual boundaries for your desktop icons. The default settings will organize your desktop icons by type (Programs, Web Links, Documents etc.) but you can easily cus...
Category: Desktop Tools
Flashnote is a simple notes manager that enables you to store text notes in a hierarchical tree structure. You can quickly open or close the program with keyboard hotkeys, print selected notes and sort your notes by nam...
Category: Note Taking Software
Fraps allows you to record the video game you are playing along with the game sound and an optional external sound input (e.g. microphone). You can also take screenshots and benchmark your FPS and frame times, which are...
Category: Screen Recording
Chameleon Folder provides quick access to your favorite or frequently used folders from the system tray, Windows Explorer and Open/Save dialogs. You create a custom menu with the folders you want have quick access to, a...
Category: Desktop Tools
GumNotes enables you to attach personal notes to documents, web pages, email messages and most other documents. The program runs in the system tray, from where you can click on the application icon to add a note for the...
Category: Note Taking Software
Handy Start Menu can help you organize your cluttered Windows Start Menu by quickly sorting applications into menu categories. The program can automatically group many common applications into seve...
Category: Application Launchers
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
Swift To-Do List is a feature-rich and highly customizable task and notes management software with and easy to use interface and intuitive design. The program supports custom task categories, recurring tasks, reminder a...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
SpecialFoldersView displays a list of all special folders that are configured on your system and allows you to easily access them without the need to find them with Windows Explorer. These folders ...
Category: Misc. Utilities
GearMage Photo Organizer (formerly Media Event Organizer) enables you to organize the photos in a specific folder by their date and event. The program scans your images and creates an organized overview based on the dat...
Category: Misc. Imaging Tools