These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Asterisk Key reveals passwords that are hidden under asterisks. Unlike many others, this program works both with password dialog boxes and web page login forms. Asterisk Key is easy to use, just pr... Category: Password Recovery
Corel PDF Fusion enables you to edit, create and assemble PDF documents from a variety of file types by simply dragging documents into the preview area and selecting the content you want to combine. You can use content ... Category: Document Conversion
MultiImageDownloader is a simple tool that makes it easy to batch download dozens or hundreds of images from a Google image search query. Simply paste the Google Image Search URL from your browser into the program and c... Category: Download Management
WonderWebWare Sitemap Generator enables webmasters to extract all the links from your site recursively and automatically generate a Google Sitemap (XML) or Yahoo Sitemap (TXT), as well as HTML and CSV sitemaps. ... Category: Site Management
SwiftSearch is a file search tool that can help you quickly find the files you need without requiring you to index your drives. Instead of using index files, which requires constant maintenance,... Category: Desktop Search Tools
Easy GIF Animator helps you to create animated GIF images with ease. You can set a variety of options to customize your GIF animation with several effects. The interface allows for frame by frame preview and configurati... Category: Animation Tools
NetworkSleuth is a network file search utility, that allows you to quickly locate files across a network. You can search for files by name, type, content (text), and other criteria.The program supp... Category: Misc. Networking Tools
MainType is a font manager that includes all the tools you need to take control of your fonts. It enables you to install/uninstall, preview, move and copy fonts, view detailed information with typographic data, organize... Category: Font Tools
Snap2HTML is a small, portable application that lets you create a snapshot of a given folder structure and publish it as HTML page. Unlike many other tools that create a simple index list, Snap2HTML outputs a nicely for... Category: File Management
TorrentRover is a torrent search tool that works with your favorite torrent client to help you find and manage your torrent downloads. Simply type in what you're searching for and TorrentRove... Category: Download Management