These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Auto Movie Creator enables you to import video from your camera or local video files and create personal movies with transition effects, personal narration, background music and visual effects. Yo...
Category: Video Editing Tools
Birthday Reminder is a simple program that can alert you of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries or other recurring events. You can choose to be notified X days in advance, select a custom icon for each entry and also view...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
NoteFrog is an easy to use personal information manager that enables you to store your notes, text clippings, recipes, ideas or any other free-form information. The program supports plain and formatted text, as well as ...
Category: Note Taking Software
Mindful is a personal reminder software that enables you to set up multiple one-time or recurring reminders for important events. You can choose to be alerted via pop-up window on your desktop or by launch of a file or...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
VueMinder Calendar Lite is an easy to use calendar program that offers multiple calendar layers, recurring events and desktop reminders. The program also supports the iCalendar (.ics) standard, allowing you to subscribe...
Category: Info Management
about:me is a Firefox extension that allows you to review personal browsing statistics, including trends in browsing history and download activity. The data is displayed with interactive bar graphs, showing you aggregat...
Category: Firefox Add-ons
JStock is a personal stock manager that enables you to manage and analyze your portfolio with near real-time data and Intraday charts. You can add your personal stock transactions to keep track of your gains and losses,...
Category: Personal Finance
Day Organizer is a digital organizer and calendar that allows you maintain multiple calendars to keep track of your appointments and upcoming events. It offers drag and drop re-scheduling, color co...
Category: Info Management
fishCode Library .NET (Free Note Edition) is a personal notes and information management system that stores all your data in a .mdb database file. You can create multiple database files, each with unlimited items and su...
Category: Info Management
Anuran is an automatic personal text log that can prompt you every few minutes, hours or days for a new text entry, which is then saved and archived in chronological order with a time stamp. You can bring up the Anuran ...
Category: Note Taking Software