These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
FolderSizes shows how your drive space is being utilized with the help of graphical, interactive charts and targeted reports to locate oldest, largest or specific file types. The program can analyz...
Category: Disk Space Analyzer
ComputerTime enables parents to set limits on the amount of time and the time-of-day when their children can use the computer. Whenever the computer is used, the user must log on with a password, and the limitations tha...
Category: PC Access Control
SizeExplorer Pro is a disk space usage analyzer that allows you to manage your files and hard drive space. It includes graphical charts, file statistics, reports (biggest files etc.) as well as features to print file l...
Category: Disk Space Analyzer
Disk Recon allows you to examine your disk usage, find duplicate files, investigate directory sizes, monitor files and directories and more. It provides a color coded folder tree structure that includes file sizes and ...
Category: Disk Space Analyzer
Ever wondered why your hard disk is full? Or what directory is taking up most of the space? When using conventional disk browsing tools, such as Windows Explorer, these questions may be hard to answer....
Category: Disk Space Analyzer
Advanced JPEG Compressor is an interactive JPEG Image Compressor and Optimizer. It features a powerful and flexible JPEG compression engine that has been especially optimized for higher image quality. ...
Category: Image Resizing
AusLogics BoostSpeed is a collection of 18 system tools, designed to optimize your system, boost PC performance and more. The program analyzes your current Windows settings and then shows you which...
Category: All-In-One Tools
PaperCut Print Logger is a simple monitoring solution that enables you to keep track of all print jobs that are performed on a standalone or shared printer. It keeps daily logs that contain the name of the document, the...
Category: Printing Tools
Bandwidth Meter Pro monitors your bandwidth usage and displays real-time graphs for one or more selected network connections. It also generates daily, weekly and monthly reports, itemizing your upload and download usage...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
SpeedUpMyPC enables you to optimize and clean your PC. It scans your computer and suggests potential performance improvements based on invalid registry entries, junk files, Internet settings, and also offers to clean-up...
Category: System Tweaking
Offers to install promotional, third party software.