These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Yet Another Process Monitor (YAPM) is a process manager that offers advanced users a more powerful alternative to the Windows TaskManager. In addition to the standard process overview with CPU and memory usage etc., it ...
Category: Advanced System Tools
Phrozen Windows File Monitor is a standalone tool that can monitor file changes on your computer in real-time.
Once you start recording activity, the program will keep track of all important syste...
Category: System Monitoring
Multi-Monitor Viewer enables you to view the real-time content of any additional monitors in a regular application window on your desktop.
The program is designed for situations where you are unab...
Category: Misc. Utilities
SoftPerfect File Access Monitor monitors your hard drive content and keeps track of who read, deleted or made changes to your files.
The program can be used on a file server to track network users...
Category: System Monitoring
Real Network Monitor enables you to monitor your incoming and outgoing network traffic and keep track of daily bandwidth usage as well as upload and download speeds.
You can monitor traffic from t...
Category: Network Monitoring
Spybot Identity Monitor is a tool that allows you to check if your personal information has been disclosed in a documented security breach (hack) of many online services.
You can configure multipl...
Category: Misc. Security Tools
Mailbag Assistant enables you to search through thousands of e-mails in all of your mailboxes, group them together meaningfully, and archive them for easy reference. The software is completely safe to use because it doe...
Category: Misc. E-mail Tools
Linkman is a URL manager that allows you to detect if content of your favorite web pages has changed, become unavailable or has moved to a new location. The tray icons offers quick access to user specified Daily Links a...
Category: Bookmark Managers
Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top always shows a list of the currently active processe...
Category: System Monitoring
AnalogX NetStat Live enables you to monitor your Internet connection is in realtime. The program works with any network connection that uses TCP/IP.
The interface displays graphs (current, averag...
Category: Network Information