These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
EMCO Ping Monitor (formely noPing Inspector) is a small tool that will automatically shut down/reboot/hibernate or log off your local machine when it has lost network or Internet connectivity. The ...
Category: Shutdown Utilities
Gateway IP Monitor is a tool, that is useful for users with a DSL/cable internet connection, who would like monitor their external IP address. The service monitors your external IP address by perio...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Network Time System is a client/server time system that lets you synchronize your entire network from a central time server that synchronizes with external sources. The time server supports TCP/IP,...
Category: Time Synchronization
System Spec is a simple tool for those who want to gather the most important system specifications for their computer. The program displays the CPU Speed, MAC Address, Ports, Memory (RAM), Video C...
Category: System Information
Nokia Monitor Test is a small tool that allows you to analyze and test your monitor, using advanced test patterns for Geometry, Convergence, Resolution, Moire, Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Readability, Color and Screen ...
Category: Misc. Utilities
WIDI Recognition System Standard enables you to turn a musical recording (MP3, Wave, CD) into its musical notation and save it to MIDI file. It offers several recognition presets (customizable) to optimize the conve...
Category: Audio Converters
WebCam Monitor is a video surveillance system, that works with your webcam device and allows you to monitor your home/office from a remote location. It features motion and noise detection, and can automatically trigger ...
Category: Video Recording
Home Revision Management System (Home RMS) is a simple revision management tool that allows you to keep track of changes to a project, and can automatically backup the project folder each time, so that you have a full s...
Category: Backup Software
Microsoft Network Monitor 3 is a network protocol analyzer that can capture network traffic for further inspection by a network administrator. It supports regular expression filters, scriptable par...
Category: Protocol Analyzers
Security Monitor Pro is a professional video surveillance application with support for multiple webcams or IP cameras, of which each can be configured individually. It includes options for continuous recording as well a...
Category: Video Recording