These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Free Hard Disk Manager aims to be an all-round solution to completely protect, maintain and manage your PC hard disks.
It offers a full range of backup, recovery and partitioning solutions as well...
Category: Disk Tools
CobraTek Wifi Manager is a security tool for WiFi networks that lets you manage and audit your wireless network.
It uses your wireless adapter and displays a list of all networks access points tha...
Category: Network Scanner
iDevice Manager can be used to transfer music, photos, videos, address book contacts, notes, calendar items, messages and other files from your iPhone or iPad to your Windows computer.
Once you ha...
Category: iPod/iPhone Tools
HiBit Startup Manager enables you to manage all applications, services and tasks that run automatically whenever your computer starts.
You can choose to disable/delete selected startup entries o...
Category: Startup Managers
Quick User Manager provides quick access to all Windows user account management options from a simple, intuitive interface.
You are able to change user account settings, such as disabling/enabli...
Category: Misc. Utilities
WAU Manager (Windows Automatic Updates Manager) is a fully featured replacement for the built in Windows Updating interface.
The program gives you full control over Windows Updates, you can deci...
Category: Advanced System Tools
Automize is a task scheduler and automation software that can automate a variety of tasks, including ftp transfers, ftp logging, web downloads, web site monitoring, email checking and sending, telnet, ping, directory mo...
Category: Task Automation
SlickRun is a floating command launcher utility ,that provides you with almost instant access to any program on your computer. It allows you to create command aliases (Magic Words), that , when typed, will launch the as...
Category: Application Launchers
WorkTime is a versatile project tracker that surveys the time you spent working with your PC. It automatically gathers statistics about projects you worked with, programs you run, documents you open, web-sites you visit...
Category: Time Tracking
WinScheduler allows you to schedule variety of different tasks to run on defined time or a specific event. You can define your tasks to run every minute, hour, day, week, or month or just once.Spec...
Category: Task Automation