These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Anti Boss Key enables you to quickly hide all open windows from your desktop with the press of a keyboard hotkey or use of a mouse shortcut. The windows are completely hidden from sight and also from the taskbar and sys... Category: Desktop Tools
Hide Folders enables you to restrict access to files and folders on your computer by hiding and password protecting the content of selected folders. You can choose to simply hide the folders from view, leave them visibl... Category: File and Folder Protection
Deskman helps you restrict access to Windows, block applications, filter websites and protect workstations from tampering. You can hide drives, disable keyboard commands, restrict File Explorer ac... Category: PC Access Control
HiFiTo (Hidden Files Toggle) is a small, standalone tool that allows you to quickly toggle the "Show Hidden Files" and "Show Files Extensions" options in Windows Explorer without having to go into the Folder Options dia... Category: Misc. Utilities
WindowSpace offers a set of productivity enhancements that make it easier to manage multiple open windows on large screens. The software provides keyboard hotkeys and right-click options that allow... Category: Desktop Tools
XdN Tweaker is a system tweaking program that allows you to customize various settings that are not easily accessible from within Windows. Among other things, you can turn off the Vista UAC prompts... Category: System Tweaking
HiddeX is a small, standalone program that enables you to quickly hide selected applications or windows from view by pressing a custom keyboard shortcut (hotkey). You can select one or more applic... Category: Desktop Tools
Easy Context Menu enables you to add a variety of useful system commands to the Windows right-click menu so you can quickly access them without having to remember system commands or navigate through multiple dialogs. ... Category: Misc. Utilities
DTaskManager is a stand-alone Task Manager that adds additional functionality to the standard Windows Task Manager. It provides different ways to terminate processes, and you can also trim RAM usage, batch set prioriti... Category: System Monitoring
ConfigureDefender enables you to view and configure important Windows Defender settings on Windows 10. You can manually configure all options or simply apply one of three predefined Protection Le... Category: Misc. Security Tools