These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Internet Password Recovery Toolbox is a tool for recovering passwords from Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, network, dial-up connections that are stored in Windows. In addition, it lets you recover input from HTML fo...
Category: Password Recovery
MessenPass allows you to recover your password(s) from a wide variety of popular Instant Messenger programs, including MSN/Live Messenger, Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x), ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003...
Category: Password Recovery
Outlook Password Recovery Master allows you to recover logins and passwords from your Outlook email accounts and Personal Folder (.PST) files. Upon starting, the program immediately enumerates all accounts and displays...
Category: Password Recovery
Advanced Office Password Recovery enables you to recover lost or forgotten passwords to files and documents created in Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, Access, Project, Money, PowerPoint, Publisher...
Category: Password Recovery
Network Password Recovery can retrieve all WIndows XP/Vista network passwords stored on your system for the current logged-on user. In addition, it can also recover any .NET Passport accounts that are stored locally.
Category: Password Recovery
SpotAuditor enables you to reveal and recover passwords that were saved in Internet Explorer, Outlook, ICQ, Trillian, Far ftp, SecureFX ftp client, WebDrive ftp, FTP Voyager, AutoFTP, FTP Control, Dial up, and MSN messe...
Category: Password Recovery
SniffPass is a network protocol sniffer that automatically captures password that are transmitted via POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocol. It can be used to recover forgotten passwords that are hidden behind aster...
Category: Password Recovery
IE PassView retrieves all usernames and passwords along with their associated URL from the Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge password database - IF they have been saved by Internet Explorer. The program allows you to...
Category: Password Recovery
WirelessKeyView enables you to recover the wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) that have been stored by the Windows operating system (not 3rd party products). It display the key in Hex and Ascii (if available) along with th...
Category: Password Recovery
ChromePass is a small, standalone password recovery tool that allows you to view and save all the usernames and passwords that are stored in the Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex browser. The list includes the login URLs,...
Category: Password Recovery