These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Bandwidth Meter Pro monitors your bandwidth usage and displays real-time graphs for one or more selected network connections. It also generates daily, weekly and monthly reports, itemizing your upload and download usage...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Colasoft Ping Tool is a graphical ping tool that supports multiple IP addresses (or domains) and present the ping statistics in an easy-to-read 3D chart, that can optionally be saved as bitmap image. Along with the grap...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Colasoft MAC Scanner allows you to scan your network and gather a list of MAC addresses, along with IP address, machine name and manufacturer information (if available). The program can automatical...
Category: Network Scanner
Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that enables you to capture and examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data and view sum...
Category: Protocol Analyzers
Kiwi Syslog Generator provides an interface to send Unix type Syslog messages to any PC or Unix Syslog Daemon. The program is designed for testing of a Syslog Daemon setup and to diagnose communication problems. ...
Category: Network Testing
Bed`s Printer Switcher is a simple utility that enables you to automatically switch the default printer based on current network you are connected to. It runs in the system tray and can automatically exit once the print...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Medieval Bluetooth Network Scanner allows you to analyze and scan a local Bluetooth network, and displays a list of detected devices, along with their technical details, including available services, device addresses an...
Category: Network Scanner
HostsXpert (formerly Hoster) is an editor for your HOSTS file that enables you to replace entries, merge HOSTS files, swap entries with and more. The program is mainly intended fo...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Product Key Explorer enables network administrators to scan local or networked computers and retrieve the product keys for a variety of Microsoft Windows, SQL Server, Office and more than 3000 other software products. ...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
NetworkSleuth is a network file search utility, that allows you to quickly locate files across a network. You can search for files by name, type, content (text), and other criteria.The program supp...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools