These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
DriverHub scans your computer, checks if any of your device drivers are outdated and offers you to download and install the latest versions.
The scan report provides you with a detailed overview...
Category: System Maintenance
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
UpdateStar scans your computer for installed software products and produces a list of your inventory and available updates, along with download link and additional information. The program not only works with widely use...
Category: System Maintenance
Album Art Downloader enables you to find and download album cover art from a variety of online sources. You can search for album covers by artist and album name and also limit the results by image size and cover type. ...
Category: Misc. Internet Tools
MP3jam enables you to download your favorite music by searching for any song, artist, or album, and download the results as MP3 files.
The program does NOT use illegal file sharing sites to find y...
Category: Misc. MP3 Tools
WebSite-Watcher allows you to quickly check an unlimited number of websites for updates and changes. The sites can be checked by file date or file content, and you can use several filters, such as to ignore changing ban...
Category: Misc. Internet Tools
GetFLV enables you to download, manage, convert,repair and play Flash video (.flv) files. It includes a FLV Browser that you can use to browse popular video sites and download any FLV content that you come across. You c...
Category: Video Downloaders
FirefoxDownloadsView provides an alternative way to view and manage your Firefox downloads. Unlike the built-in download manager, FirefoxDownloadsView shows your download history in a list view that can be sorted by dat...
Category: Download Management
Smart Driver Manager scans your computer and presents you with a list of outdated drivers that were found. You can select the drivers you want to update and download the new versions with the click of a button. ...
Category: System Maintenance
SQL Server Find is a database tool for use with Microsoft SQL Server. The program works similar to the default Windows search dialog, but offers you you to search for database objects inside SQL servers using search cri...
Category: Database Tools
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
Find Favorites provides quick access to your Internet Explorer Favorites from the system tray. It allows you to quickly find Favorites by keyword, sort them by URL or name, copy URLs, organize them as URL or HTML link t...
Category: Browser Tools